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  [uncle bulgaria]

bulgaria - much more switched on than its neighbouring romania but still a world apart from major EU players. flash mercs leave us standing on the major roads implying some pretty serious cash for some.

just a couple of clicks over the border and the country opens out into some stunning praire style plains - exmoor without the bogs - low level hills rolling to the horizon.

steared clear of the capital sofia and settled for getting lost in the countyside. promised bandits and mafia - they failed to show up. meanwhile doug dropped his bike AGAIN making the competition tally 2 -0. although the acerbis protector kindly took most of the pain, it was still bent enough to catch the clutch. having considered the complexities of rebending something stronger than any of our tools, we opted for the technical 'saw the lever in half with a borrowed angle grinder' option. no messing!

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