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february 2003
  [raising money for those affected by landmines]
landmines are a shocking reality and i think that this picture speaks for itself. landmines are lethal in wartime, and lethal in times of peace. from small homemade antipersonnel devices to massive military antitank mines, they are indiscriminate and they still cover significant areas of countries across the globe. today they are a very real problem for farmers looking to increase their crop yield by cultivating new fields, as well as for children at play. the statistics state that even today someone falls victim to a mine every 27 minutes (www.landmines.org.uk).

i took this photo in a museum in vietnam.
an american GI with a boy on the cambodian border.

my brother and i have both previously travelled to areas of mozambique and cambodia where the present day effects of landmines are all too obvious. as we plan to ride the length and bredth of africa, including mozambique, we hope to raise funds to help clear mines away once and for all and to help the lives of those already severely affected.


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